Thursday 27 May 2010

Domino Project

For the 3D project the title was the Domino project. This basically means using maya to create a domino effect. I just needed a theme for this project and seeing as my biggest enemy is waking up in the morning, I decided to go with an alarm clock theme.

As I needed to model objects in 3D, I needed to make an animation with objects that I had easy accesibility so I thought what better to use then my own room and model objects that are within arms reach so with just that quick thought I was able to come up with something simple and achievable as the main focus to me on this project was getting familiar with the Maya software.

To me the flow of the domino effect must be flawless and so fluid and that is the kind of effect I would like to achieve.

This is an advert for Honda that uses car parts in a Domino effect and is the right kind of inspiration needed for my project.

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